Wednesday 18 July 2012

The Caffeine Trip

Ahh, I have now come to the one stage in life I have always dreaded. When I have had my first cup of coffe something that I have liked. The story goes as following:

Yesterday afternoon around 3 o'clock I went to the supermarket, which lies very close to a chocolate shop, that also sells drinkable things like hot chocolate and ... coffe. I had recently tasted a Caramel Cafe Latte (I have no idea how you spell it in English, when it really isn't English at all, anyway) that Heather had bought and actually liked it. So I thought I should try a different taste and see if I like that as well or if it would be to coffeish. To my horror I actually really liked the Chohoclate Cookie Cafe Latte that I bought. So within half an hour it was gone and I started speaking very fast, being very happy chappy and probably irritatingly perky. I had two lessons and they just flew past. I ran everywhere and my eyes felt so big. I got home sometime after five and sat chatting to Joe and John with my legs bouncing all the time. I couldn't sit completely still. Thankfully I managed to go to sleep later on though.

Obviously my caffeine tolerance is way down there. I remember Claire you told me I should never drink coffe because I would get so hooked on being so awake. You were so right!! I felt like I'd never been so full of energy in my life and I would love to be like that all the time! But. The cafe latte at that chocolate shop cost $2,50 each so I can't drink them everyday anyway... I have been calculating and thinking it over and I might go for two or at the most three a week. On really busy days. Eesh, I really don't want to be hooked on anything, especially not coffe. (Yoghurt dos not count.)

So. Now I am soon off to buy sushi ingredients so we can have it tonight. Yum!!

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