Thursday 1 March 2012

Autumn is on the way

This week is going so fast, so I decided I would write a bit about life now, Wednesday evening, in Word and then post it to you tomorrow morning quickly before work. We are going out to two schools again tomorrow. All these early mornings are killing me, but it’s nice to do stuff.

So, last weekend started with a long Friday night. Actually I went with Joe, Maria and John to the factory and helped bake rolls and hamburger bread. We were supposed to do it on the afternoon/evening, but Zesa (the power) was out until half past eleven, so we couldn’t do anything before then. I had the important task of placing them in exactly straight lines before rising. A good job for a perfectionist. Maria and I went home at quarter to three, so I had a bit of a lie-in next morning.

Around noon Jeanette and her husband Marnie picked me up and we drove out to their farm in Matopos. It was so beautiful and quite. I am definitely not a town-person; it felt so nice to not hear the cars all the time, to know that the closest neighbour was seven kilometers away. Just chatting away the whole afternoon and then making brownies and watching rugby (yes, I now understand it and actually get excited) was so nice, I loved every minute. Then I helped Jeanette install Sibelius, a music producing program until late and had a lovely, long sleep. Next morning was nice and when Jeanette and Marnie came back from church we had some lunch and brownies (soooo good!). On the afternoon Heather and John came and, after a chat in the shade, drove homewards. We stopped at a very local bar and played pool and had a few drinks, which was great fun, except I didn’t win a single game!!

That was basically my weekend, now another three days have gone and I have been a bit busy. I had three lessons yesterday and two today. A bit hard to think of what I am to do each lesson, but so far all has gone well. Tuesday we went out to three schools and I went to Pilates in the evening. Today Richard had a Sibelius workshop for some of the teachers, which was really interesting, and I tried to teach Jeanette to understand and use Internet. Very interesting, I mean, we all take it for granted, but here people haven’t had it for as long and as easily accessible, so the people don’t always understand it. Though of course all the youngsters are completely fluent in Internetish.

Today we also started to practice Carmina Burana for the music festival in May. I am to play timpani (pukor).  Ehee. Yep, so a bit of a challenge, but it’s quite fun hitting them. So fun that Anette asked me if I could try to be a bit quieter, or she would get deaf. Hehe.

Anyway, now my computer is dying and so am I. I baked this evening (chokladknäcksnittarna Ella, fast jag hade dem inne för länge, så de blev inte så kletiga. Men de smakade bra ändå. Lions golden syrup i dem bl.a.), so now my sugar high is coming to an end. Tomorrow I’ll just post this quickly before setting off to the schools. I have put some pictures on tumblr as always.

/the Nellie who will be eating mango for breakfast tomorrow

Update: Internet is is not behaving very well, so I couldn't post this this morning.

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