Friday 2 March 2012

I can stay another month!

Another week is coming to a close and I am happy today, really content with life. I feel I am definitely in the right place at the moment. Today I slept late into the morning, and got a “Good morning” from the maid Sophie, who started working again on Wednesday, after three months off because of an infection she got when she had an operation. She makes the bed differently from Nokotula (the maid we had while Sophie was gone), but I mean, she makes my bed – can I really complain?

Since I got to work I have mostly been working on a program called Sibelius, maybe I have told you about it already, it is music writing program. So today Vusi and I scanned some music and put it into the program and we can now edit it on the computer and then print it! Amazing!! Hard work actually, but I am starting to get the hang of it. Vusi is a Sibelius expert and he has taught me so much, so now it is going a bit faster.

Yesterday was an extremely busy day. We visited two schools and then I got my VISA renewed, threw down some lunch and rushed off to Girls College to fix a violin, help in the orchestra and have three lessons. The last student was a new one and I can feel now that I actually know what to say when I start teaching someone. After GC I rushed back to the Academy for a practice with the string group and when I got home it was past seven and I could eat a horse, I was so hungry. (Except I wouldn’t seeing as I am really a vegetarian.) My elbow was killing me fast, so I got some pills in me and some ice on me (thank you for the tip Claire, it really helps!) and spent the rest of the evening in a semi-horizontal position.

Soon Anette and I are going shopping, which should be fun. I need more earrings as always. Internet is giving me a hard time, but I will try to post this before I run off to town.

Lynette /the Internet wiz) sends greetings to snowy Sweden!


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