Monday 4 June 2012

The twentysecond weekend

Hey everyone, I hope your weekend was lovely, because mine definitely was. First Friday dinner with the performers remaining and their hosts, which was really great fun. Despite my age, which was mocked quite a bit. I got to sit at the fun table, with Jeanette and Marnie, the Academy's musical director Rose and her husband, the conductor from SA, Piet Mullman, the guitarist Morgan Szymanski from Mexico/London and his host Allan. We laughed a lot, ate gorgeous food (at 26th on Park), had good conversations and actually didn't freeze too bad. I nowadays wear my longjohns nearly every day which helps. Then I went out to see some friends I hadn't seen for over a month, but the maturity level dropped a bit too fast for me to think it was as good as the marvelous dinner.

Saturday was spent with Jane Austens best book (you better know which one it is) and then I made chokladbollar. Mmmm! (Sugarfilled cocoa balls sort of.) Maria and I proceeded to play cardgames and watch a romcom.

Sunday I went with Jeanette and Marnie to a farm outside Figtree to meet other farmers and families for a braii. We made fruit salad with perfectly ripe paw-paw/papaya in it (Mum, how on earth do you spell paw-paw?). It also had strawberries in it, which made me think of the Swedish midsommer quickly approaching. On the way back to Jeanette and Marnie's farm we took a road that used to be very good, but not any longer. It was very ... skumpig. Anyway, we watched a bit of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee thingy on the Thames and went to bed. But not before we walked outside to see the Kudu that was grazing just next to the house. I then fell asleep on an electrical blanket and woke at the absolutely ghastly hour of 05:40 to get into town in time. Can you imagine me being even remotely alive at that time of day??

So. I hope you had just as nice a weekend and are ready for another week of work and school. I have loaded with pictures, so you're welcome to check it. Now I better photocopy some music for this evening's little string group here at the Academy, before zesa goes.

Hej svej leverpastej!

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