Monday 20 February 2012

The sixth week of sun

A week has gone and I have since last you heard from me:
Played at The Bulawayo Club on Valentine's day with Jeanette
Eaten one of the best desserts I've ever eaten
Practiced for a performance at Girls College with the music group/orchestra there
Had the performance during the Award giving ceremony
Watched lots of movies
Made (and sort of failed) biscuits
Visited two schools in the suburbs and done singing with the choirs
Bought a dress when going shoe shopping with Heather
Partied half the night
Practiced with Anette
Had a (very) painful elbow
Played with Anette at Nesbitt Castle during a wedding expo
Looked at yummie wedding cakes
Eaten yoghurt and musli
And eaten mango of course
Floated in Jill's pool
Gone to Chipangali and watched when the lions and leopards were being fed

I didn't feel like I did that much last week, but maybe I did. The best part was definitely playing at the Bulawayo Club (photos on tumblr) with Jeanette. It was a beautiful, colonial style building in town, with rose petals all over the tables and three course dinners. And Jeanette and me playing lovesongs for nearly two hours so that we could earn our free dinner. After our starters and main course we played a bit for the last people and then got our black and white chocolate covered strawberries with homemade ice cream with chocolate chips and strawberry sauce served on the piano, with our rosé. Soo classy. So we jammed for another half an hour in between the dessert and I got home around eleven. Perfect.

The performance at Girls College was fun, but long and hot and I we sat facing the audience all the time, which my concert skirt was definitely too short for. Heather (John's ex, who works at GC) later told me that the teachers had been horrified at "Who is that schoolgirl in the orchestra playing in civies (not uniform)?!!?!!!". At which she had to explain that I actually was a teacher. Haha. So now I am hunting for a black longer skirt/trousers so as not to upset any more people. Decency is important here. Which is a problem, because most of the shorts and skirts I have brought are deemed too short to be professional and they are the only stuff I survive in when it is as hot as normally is during the day. Anyway, seeing all the different versions of the school uniform totally bewildered me. Everything on them meant something, and the awards given out were also difficult to understand, so afterwards Jeanette had to explain it all too me, though I can't remember half of it now. What I do remember however is the fact that if the girls have hair that reaches their shoulders they have to have it put up in a bun or plat or something like that. I realized this while I sat facing them with my hair hanging loose. As if I wasn't inappropriate enough. So next time I will be wearing something that covers my legs, have my hair put up and wear studs in my ears, not the big hanging things I normally have. Phew, so much to think about.

Now my elbow is killing me, so I'll tell you more about the wedding expo gig and Chipangali and the visit to the schools in the suburbs next time. Until then check out tumblr for photos. So long!


  1. It sounds like you could get used to your style of life!
    Mangoes and floating in pools would be my hight point.

  2. :D I have heard her words in my head quite a few times.
    Yes dad, but the mangoes are sadly enough soon finished for the season...

  3. Hej Nellie! Låter som att du har det jättebra och har roligt! Jag är och hjälper Kerstin och Gunnar med att fixa ett google-konto så att de ska kunna kommentera dina inlägg. Vi får se om det fungerar. Ha det fint!

  4. Hej Nellie

    Nu provar jag om det funkar det som Olle hjälpt mig med.
    Hoppas kjolköpet gick bra. Idag slaskar det och är + 6 grader i Uppsala.
    De första snödropparna har slagit ut.
    Kerstin L

  5. Hej Kerstin, vad kul att ni hittat min blogg!
    Oj, är det redan vår?! Och det är inte ens mars än. Detta har varit en konstig vinter. Även här har vädret spelat spratt de senaste månaderna.
    Hälsa så mycket till Gunnar!
