Wednesday, 10 October 2012

The first rain in over half a year!!

I seem to have made blogging a Wednesday thing. Well, three in a row now right? I must say, it is much easier posting pictures on I have fallen in love with tumblr, I really have. It is a whole world. Anyhow. I have started taking photos with my phone camera now, which means I can take of things anytime anywhere, since my phone is with me all the time. But of course, quality wise it can never ever compete with my sweet Nikon D90. Which now has four different lenses. Amazing, how on earth did that happen?

Yesterday it rained!!!!!! For maybe five minutes, but at least it rained. I was in the office at the academy, so I jumped up and ran outside to feel the drops. It was glorious. So I walked around the building hearing the rain fall hard on the corrugated roofs next door and seeing the the dusty reddish brown ground turning spotty. So so nice.

Obviously my tactic worked. You see every week my students have to paint one thing each time they practice, and every week has a different theme. For a few weeks now my kids have got rain clouds, where they have had to draw a raindrop each time they practice. I told them it was wishful thinking, since we wanted rain. And TADA it came! Yeha!

Today I am first off to GC to start arranging all our christmas songs that we are going to play, then I have lessons at the academy in the afternoon. And I today had my alarm set for six o'clock. ... I am honestly telling the truth. I volountarily did so, because otherwise I die by the end of my morning walks. It is quite fun now, walking this time in the morning. It is before the real rush of cars for CBC and Petra, but just in time to meet all the kids walking to Hillside Junior School. And they are sooo sweet. By now they reckognise me and since I always say good morning to everybody I meet, they now even sometimes say good morning to me before I've had time to open my mouth. There were two small girls today who looked so happy when they said it, I couldn't stop smiling for another twenty five meters. Cute! I love kids.

Right, sore elbow. Must be a sign, saying I should be off. Which I should. We have a few whispy clouds today, so perhaps we won't die of heat. Like we did yesterday. Sweating in my room ten o'clock at night. Africa. Anywho. Toodles!

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