Wednesday, 8 August 2012

You wouldn't have known

There are always things that you sort of take for granted work the same everywhere, even on the other side of the world. Like how to put airtime (money to phone for) in you cell phone. When I got mine and was going to fill it up I asked where I could go and buy more airtime and people said "ah, just on the street corner.". This really confused me in a way. Not until I learnt that nearly every traffic light (and there are a lot of them) has a guy in a reflective vest standing there selling airtime and text cards. But bear in mind that the guys selling newspapers also have reflective vests...

And public transport... Oosh. There are lots of small taxis and then there are the ETs; Emergency Taxis. They are minibuses stuffed with people. I could never take an ET, not allowed to. So everybody here who can afford it have their own car. Otherwise you are pretty much stuck. There are no passenger trains here that I have heard of either. Between the big cities (Harare, Bulawayo, Vic Falls, Joburg) though there are bus companies who drive sometimes twice a day. 30 dollars from here to Harare.

I can just mention the power which goes on and off like a yo-yo and the water cuts (which thankfully we aren't affected by since we have a borehole). And that everything is paid in cash here.

But now I have to run. Well, actually drive. So long!

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