Friday 4 May 2012


I am alive! Sorry for so few updates, I'm pretty sure it's going to get a lot better as soon as I just start working again. Except I am going to be so busy for the festival now that I might not write as much as I think. Anyway. A week ago, on Friday afternoon, John and Heather (girlfriend), invited me to come with them and another friend on a weekend trip to Harare in ... 40 minutes! I obviously said yes and spent two nights in Norton, just outside Harare. After a long Friday night we watched Winks play rugby and unfortunately lose quite badly, but it was a nice day anyway. Had a quick pop into a big market, which I definitely will be visiting again, with a bunch of money... After another long night out we drove home Sunday afternoon and got back after dark, which isn't optimal.

A funny, but creepy incident on the way there was when we slowed down at a railway crossing out in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly Heather, who is driving, screams that there is somebody running behind the car. I am sitting in the back seat (of course, when does the smallest person ever get to sit in the front??) and as I look back I see a black guy in a white hoodie running behind the car, grabbing at the back of the car. His face less than two meters from mine. Heather hoots and accelerates away, and the guy disappears. Obviously he had been waiting for somebody to slow down like we did, so that he could grab stuff from the boot. The guys then discussed what they would do if the same guy tried it again on the way back...

Now it is time to pack up and wait for John to pick me up and take me home. So irritating not to have a car and driver's licence, but that's one of the things on my to-do-list. Right, have to go, bybye!!

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